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Friday, October 15, 2010

18 to go

Yesterday someone commented on my blog. This individual, clearly angry and frustrated and within his rights to criticize my sentiments called for all the liberals to lose their jobs. He thinks liberals destroyed the land. I am not sure that with already naggingly high unemployment wishing for others to lose their jobs is an appropriate solution, but it speaks to the issue of how blind we have become to truth. This blogger, clearly a tea party sympathizer wouldn't address the deficits created by the Republicans or the massive job loss under George Bush. Instead, it was about the liberals. I will not change his mind, nor is it my intent to do so. It is, however, my intent in these last 18 days to call us all to account for reality and to be thoughtful with our votes. Voting anger and extremist views has never worked in our country. Social Security will not end, unemployment insurance will continue when needed, Medicare and Medicaid will remain in place, a strong military will persist and a supported Veteran's Administration will remain. All this will continue to cost us mightily no matter who is in charge. Forget today's anger and direct it toward the future. Ask if you really were happier 2 years ago. If you are reasonable and fair, you would have to answer no. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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