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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

14 to go

As a teacher, I get frustrated when students do not pay attention and do not always perform to their potential. This, however is part of the job and you live to fight another day. When the general population of this nation, however, acts like High School students then I get angry. In today's front page of the New York Times, there is an article about a political rally and the people at the rally were angry at the increases in their taxes under President Obama. However, when pointed out to these voters that in actuality their taxes declined, the people were dumbfounded. They couldn't find the words to reply. To paraphrase, their reaction was :"Oh yeah, but it was so little that I forgot". Forgot that their taxes were reduced and about to vote against Democrats because of higher taxes. Wake up people. Every single person except the very wealthy received a 400 dollar per person tax reduction and 800 per couple. This was part of the stimulus package being so scandalously condemned by do nothing Republicans and tea party people. Taxes under Obama have gone down for those who are working. Wake up people. You have 14 days to get informed. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. What can I say? You right on target.I love catching politicians giving out misinformation to their own constituents.I recently reviewed Boehner's website and he stated that in the proposed 2011 budget,a family of four earning $55,000 would pay over $2,000 in new taxes.Obama is proposing many new tax credits for the lower and middle class and wants to make the Bush tax cuts permanent for the next ten years.Keep up the good work.
