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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Take A Knee

While storms, nuclear threats, deliberate sabotage by our President of our healthcare and tax policy are all in the mix of daily life, trump, with a small T, picks a fight with the black athletes of our country. He started it in Alabama where two other lunatics were running for Senate, the winner of that primary, now trump's guy, is a homophobic, law breaking bigot, so picking such a fight down there seems right for him. Now trump has never read the Constitution so he doesn't understand what America is about. Several Supreme Court rulings have unambiguously declared that even unpopular or disrespectful expression, is protected. In the instance of the NFL dispute created by a President, he is preying on the stupidity and ignorance of many people who think the flag, the song and the statues are what makes America great. I wont change their minds and certainly wont waste my time trying. The actions of unpopular resistance have historically proven to facilitate progress such as expanding civil rights, raising consciousness on matters of importance and truly represent what our values are and what we stand for. Protest, respectful disagreement and activism are the true representations of our nation. trump will never get that. He actually by sabotaging law, using racism to quell disagreements and displaying ignorance with every breath he takes, is demonstrating much worse than taking a knee. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?