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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

You can Whine or you can Vote.

Mitch McConnell is motivated and obsessed by nothing else other than the rightward direction of the court. If you have a pulse you would know this. Therefore his actions from Obama through trump are neither surprising nor hypocritical. Truth is not a tactic. Hypocrisy is not a policy or a direction.
Republicans control the Senate and all the whining, yelling and crocodile tears does not change that fact at least until January 2021. This upcoming confirmation should be the greatest motivator for Democratic voters in modern electoral history. Vote for a Democratic Congress and President if you want to control the levers of power and be as aggressive as Republicans in supporting issues of importance. Climate change, Healthcare, Covid assistance, science, economic equality and opportunity, women's rights, civil rights. Stop Whining. Just VOTE.
Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth.

Monday, September 21, 2020

It will Count

As long as your mail in vote is postmarked by Election Day, it will be counted. States, not the Federal Government, determine their election process. Nothing that mr trump says on the matter will change that.
Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth?

Thursday, September 10, 2020

So What?

Today, there are 60 plus million voters saying..."So what.". So what if he lies about the seriousness of the disease. So what that he mocked masks knowing they'd protect us. So what if he dodged the draft and called the fallen, suckers and losers. So what if he said bleach might rid us of Covid. So what if he promised new healthcare for all 3 weeks ago. So what if he stokes fear while saying he doesn't want to panic us. So what, so what, so what. But her emails? And Biden is senile  in a basement taking guidance from Antifa. Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth. 

Friday, September 4, 2020


66 percent of America, according to FOX and Gallup polls rate the President as dishonest. OK, so he lies, his supporters say and so do all politicians so big deal. And Biden has dementia and lives in his basement and is directed by Antifa terrorists who throw cans of soup at police claiming it's their food. (President said this, not me). The President got 4 bone spur deferments to avoid Vietnam. Well so did liberal deserters and others who left for Canada. No big deal. None of the Presidents' kids served a day in service to our country but Beau wasn't killed and Hunter was on drugs and got kicked out. John McCain, a war hero and Republican candidate in 08 was called a loser and mocked for being captured, by the President. So what. McCain saved Obamacare and was against torture.
The Khan parents were made fun of by the President in 16 having lost a son to war. Big deal. It was a campaign and the mother didn't speak up. And they are Muslims. The Atlantic monthly reports on trump's comments about fallen ww1 vets as being losers and that no one wants amputees in military parades. It's OK we know he lies and his denials are just him being him. Also,  I ask, why make fun of dementia. Really?
Where are You Americans for Reason and Truth.