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Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Death of Decency

To be a decent person means that you care about others, many times before yourself. It means you tell the truth, not about whether you like someones' hair, but on matters of serious import. It means you avoid vulgarity and immoral behavior. It means you have empathy for others and a serious internal desire to help and to be compassionate. It means respecting others who look different, sound different and act different. It means being loyal to others, sticking by them regardless of disagreements they may have with you. It means committing to love, not being cavalier and non serious about relationships. I could go on for a while longer but what is the use? Decency is dying in America. We have annointed a man who in every manner of defining decency fails to live up to its meaning. As his continuous demonstration of habits and behaviors unbecoming to humanity and not representative of the America I know go unchecked, we fall deeper into the abyss of indecency, making it acceptable to be a Donald Trump. As we become less informed, more hypocritical and immune to truth, we become worse than many could have imagined. As leaders continue to put money and power ahead of what's right, we redefine a once great nation and enter an historic period from which we may never rebound. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?