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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

13 to go

Not only have your taxes gone down under the Democratic controlled Congress during Obama's Presidency, so too has deportation of illegal immigrants gone up. In fact, more deportations have taken place during President Obama's tenure than in all four years of the second Bush term. Additionally, the largest increase in border patrol agents and significant increases in penalties against corporate violators. So here again, two signature issues of the Republican party, taxes and immigration and under the current Congress there has been progress on both. Why vote the other way? It makes no sense. People have got to listen and learn. Being dumb almost negates your vote. The Founder's were right. We aren't as a population knowledgeable enough to make decisions. If only we were. 13 days to vote the truth based on facts not fiction. As Laurence O'Donnell says, "you are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts." Where are you Americans for reason and truth?


  1. Taxes have gone down? What are you talking about?

  2. You're right in that Obama has deported more persons than George Bush. I don't think that that is a statistic that he should be proud of at all. In the last year he deported 400,000 people. That's 400,000 families broken up. Hundreds of thousands of breadwinners taken from their households. Thousands of children (many of them U.S. citizens) without their fathers or mothers. Most of these people committed no crime. Let's not forget that being an undocumented person is not a crime, it is a civil violation. Of those with a criminal record who were deported the vast majority were convicted of minor drug crimes.
    Unfortunately Obama's immigration policy is an example of how some of his policies differ very little from Bush's. Other examples include - continuing immoral and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, keeping Guantanamo open, enriching pharmaceutical and health insurance companies through his healthcare legislation, continuing to make it difficult to organize unions (by not pushing for and passing the Employee Free Choice Act, which he promised to do), increasing the budget of the Pentagon, and not acting on improving upon gay rights.

    In my opinion, there are certain areas where Obama has been an improvement - passing an Education Stimulus packages, passing some financial regulation, attempting to get more people health coverage, and committing to FOIA.

    Neither of the above lists are inclusive.

    It's true that Republicans should be happy with Obama's immigration and tax policies thus far. But why should Democrats be happy about those same conservative policies?



  3. My point was that Obama is being villified by the Republicans for being weak on border control and yet he has not been. To lose votes because you are perceived as different from reality is an indictment on the stupidity of our electorate regardless of the merits of any particular issue. One can argue the honesty/dishonesty of illegal immigrants all one wants, but the real culprits are private companies who violate the laws of hiring every day and in this arena, Obama too, has improved upon his predecessor.
