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Monday, October 18, 2010

15 to go

I really dislike invoking the name of Sarah Palin in my posts, but she just keeps giving. Yesterday at her newly refined stump speech, she said we will all be dancing after the election. I suppose she is insinuating that a Republican victory in the House will be cause for celebration, but I wonder who will be dancing? The 19% un or underemployed Americans who cannot find work due to corporations not spending their hordes of cash on job creation? The remaining un-insured in this country who do not have a public option for health insurance due to Insurance company greed and Republican obstruction? The millions of people in this country who rely on the minimum wage to avoid poverty? Just who will be dancing? To invoke such happiness at a time of such unhappiness shows Mrs. Palin's true colors. She loves the limelight, loves the money and loves the fame. She remains immensely incompetent, uninformed and unwise. Perhaps she will be dancing, but no one else will. Progress is slow, neither party will hold an immense majority and much of what we have now will be the same, no matter what promises we hear. I vote for slow and steady progress, not for "Dancing With the Stars." Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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