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Saturday, May 1, 2010


Former Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis once said that "sunlight is the best disinfectant." This quote represents a philosophy of openness in government. The Freedom of Information Act, local sunshine laws and an aggressive and insistent press core are all examples of this. We are an open society in America and no matter how hard politicians try and hide certain behaviors and activities, in the end, it always gets out. President Obama has been calling for a little of Brandeis's disinfectant with his criticism of the recent court ruling that has claimed first amendment rights apply to unlimited corporate donations for political campaigns. I do believe that if you have it, flaunt it. Spend your money the way you want to. Most of us, however, have seen how money impacts our politics. The day after an election, the candidate begins to fundraise for the next one. We all know how candidates are influenced by donors, voting for or against a policy not out of constituent desire or conscience, but as a payback to a donor. All the President is asking for is that these donations from corporations are disclosed publicly so we see where corporations stand politically. Instead of hiding behind some front, or some slogan, let us require the truth from our big donors. If Halliburton wants to donate its money to a candidate, fine, but let it not be represented as "Citizens for DC influences" (DC=Dick Cheney"). Already, the Senate Republicans are lined up against the President. They could join John Boehner at his tanning salon while the rest of us enjoy the Sunlight. Where are you Americans for truth and justice?

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