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Monday, May 3, 2010

Smaller Government....Really?

British Petroleum, a private company, not run by the United States government, sufferred an explosion of one of its Oil Rigs on April 20th. Since then, thousands upon thousands of barrells of oil have been leaking into the Gulf area of Louisiana and efforts to control the oil as it drifts toward environmental disaster have been ineffective to date. The President has warned of wide damage and his call for the need for alternative energy sources seems to me to have greater meaning than at any other time. As this disaster looms, there continues to be the daily grind of politics in Washington revolving around the size of government. These cries from tea partyers and Republicans and nervous Democrats pound the same drum beat over and over again... Too much spending in Washington... government takeover of the private sector...deficits out of control....bankrupting the future....and on and on. In today's newspapers all across America is a picture of people standing in front of a sign as the President's motorcade rides toward the threatened area. The sign says "Obama Send Help". This is a state that regularly screams that government is too big and whose governor tried to score political points in rejecting stimulus money. Now, its citizens, very loud activists against big government, have their hand out to the President for help. You see, we say we want smaller government as long as it gives us as individuals what we want and need. Our hyperpluralistic process, where every voice and interest group screams for help, and our government's desire to please them all, is why we have big government. It isn't to steal from the taxpayers. It is often times to do what we want government to do. We say we want smaller government, but in reality, we really don't. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. The One and OnlyMay 4, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Great Read from a great Writer!!
