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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Blogging makes me feel good. It is very cathartic to express yourself with the written word and whereas I do not seek recognition nor solicit followers, I still feel compelled to write something every day. I have two posts already that relate to the Environmental disaster which is upon the state of Louisiana and other gulf states. It will have devistating consequences for the economy of the area but more important will be the human consequences. I watched Rachel Maddow do an extremely effective broadcast last night from Venice, Louisiana and most striking to me was the interview she did with a charter boat captain. He described how hard working people, who live for these waterways, whose lives and the lives of their children are tied to the Gulf, have overnight had their lives disrupted. Hard working shrimpers who feed our unquenching desire for shrimp in our soups, and gumbos, and cocktails and plates at Red Lobster may have their livlihoods disrupted forever. It touched me deeply. We often watch and react with sadness when unexpected events overtake us, but we don't really understand the true impact it has on peoples' lives. Thank You Ms. Maddow for awakening my consience to these innocent people's distress. I am having my Advanced Placement Government class do a project on the role of government through the lens of this crisis. I can do without my shrimp, but cannot ignore the pain and suffering of those affected. I wish them well and yes, we do need Government to help those that are subjects of private enterprise error. BP's passion is not enough. Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth.

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