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Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Difference.

I really do prefer not dredging up the past. I find myself today, however, compelled to bring it up. It is not going to shock anyone if I suggest that our previous President botched the Hurricane Katrina rescue by his absence from the scene....both physically and mentally. Now, in the same state, Lousiana, we have another disaster with the BP oil spill. Guess what? Our President is engaged. He has already spoken about it, announced an aggressive role by the Federal Government, has communicated with state officials, has had his Homeland Security Director speak about the incident and describe the plans to monitor and assist and he understands the threat to our shores and the science and technology that will be used to minimize the environmental impact. What a difference. Meanwhile, Governor Bobby Jindal will soon have his hand out for Federal assistance and has already asked for National Guard assistance...all paid for with taxpayer money. This is the correct thing to do, but it is important to point out that this is the same person who thought it was politically acceptable to criticize the Federal economic bailout plan and not take money due his state at the time. I guess even Governor Jindal understands the role of the Federal Government...to promote the general welfare? Where are you Americans for Reason and Truth?