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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Party of No

The Republican Party has been criticized since President Obama took office as the Party of No. To be fair, this is a misnomer. In fact, they are the Party of Yes. For the six years under President Bush that they controlled Congress they said yes to every spending item recommended. They said yes to unrestrained Wall Street greed by ignoring the simple regulations already in place. They said yes to banks that offerred bad loans to people who now find themselves near or in foreclosure. They said yes to tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America while also saying yes to funding 2 wars without budgeting for these wars. They said yes to big government by passing spending bills and growing our deficit to record levels only exceeded by the Democrats recently in an effort to fix our ailing economy. They said yes to continued bigotry in our military ignoring the need to change Don't Ask Don't Tell. They said yes to Hedge Fund Managers whose unchecked greed cost investors billions and billions of dollars. Need I go on? I don't think so. The real Party of No are the Democrats. They are trying to say No to a policy that denies 40 million Americans Health Care. They are saying no to Wall Street Executives who continue to take advantage of Main Street American by continuous policies of financial greed. They are saying no to a failed policy that discriminates against patriotic Americans who choose to join the military and fight for our values. They are saying no to attempts by republicans to delay and deny Americans in need, the unemployment benefits they deserve. Need I go on? The Democrats are the Party of No and this is a party I can go to. Where are you Americans for truth and reason?


  1. The GOP is also the party that has reduced politics to a culture war. Instead of creating plausible solutions to our country's problems they gave us Sarah Palin and said the GOP stood family values and loving our nation. There is a major problem here, for the US democracy to function properly the Republican Party needs to re-discover its conservative idealology not the just create fiction. How many Republican senators and congressman have even heard of Edmund Burke? Our country needs an inteligent conservative voice.

    "A disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman."
    -Edmund Burke
