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Monday, April 12, 2010

Americans for reason and truth

I am not a person of any particular importance. I am a teacher by profession who struggles daily to guide students to recognize the importance of citizenship, to understand both sides of an issue before deciding their views and to recognize truth from folly. I am a supporter of reasonable government intervention when it is for the collective good of our people and a political independent with leanings toward the left but open to good honest debate. I can be swayed. I don't take Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh seriously and am not afraid that they will take over the media. I prefer MSNBC and NPR for my political news but try and inform myself about world events through publications like "The Economist". I am saddened by the gradual demise of the written word in the form of newspapers and am troubled by the 24/7 soundbyte mentality that seems to have taken over our already short attention spans for important issues of the day. Of all the things that may frustrate or scare me, the most concerning is how the likes of a Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman or a Newt Gingrich can simply say whatever they want with no concern for the truth. Continuous statements and platitudes with no basis of truth or accuracy continue to be accepted by irresponsible elected officials whose re-election takes precedence over the truth. So, I begin today to hope that there are other reasonable people out there who are also interested in the truth. If you want smaller government, fine but don't say there are death panels taking over our health care decisions. If you believe we should be taxed less, fine, but don't call our President a socialist without understanding or researching the term. If you wish to support a republican, fine, but demand alternative solutions from them that are founded on truth and fair debate. Most important, recongize that intellect and international curiosity are not sins, but required and needed qualities for our leaders to have. Don't support individuals who are so unqualified that it is scary. Remember, leaders lead, liars lie and Americans must stand for truth, honor and decency.


  1. A guy in Sayreville set up an informational stand on Washington Road this past Sunday afternoon. The title of his information was presented on a large poster "STOP NAZI OBAMA HEALTHCARE".....???? If you sat by youself in a room and did nothing but think it would be a challenge to create a title with more contridictions. But as I drove past the stand I noticed a considerable queue.

  2. I saw him on Saturday as I drove by. I rolled down the window, stooped to his level and screamed "you're an idiot." I acted like a moron, but it felt good.
