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Saturday, April 24, 2010

True to our values

On the pedestal of the great statue are the words ""Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Lazarus wrote them as a welcome to those from stranger places and darker circumstances. An invitation to join in the greatness of America. These are the values that most of us cherish. As an immigrant nation we welcomed the spirit, the know how and the energy of masses of people who built this great land and from whom we all descend. And then comes 9-11, hysterical fear mongering and a hatefulness that resides in the recently passed Arizona Immigration Bill yesterday. I am not advocating for illegal immigration or unrestrained border access. I am advocating for us to be true to our values. Racial profiling is wrong and racist now matter how or where it is done. Even and especially, when it is driven by a desparate Governor trying to hold on to the position and a desperate Senator who is being challenged in a primary and whose past words of sense and reason related to Immigration reform are now denied and ignored in favor of a few votes. Senator McCain ought to be ashamed and we are better off as a nation for his loss in the Presidential election. Sensible immigration reform is the way a nation of immigrants treats those who continue to desire the benefits of the greatness of our nation and for whom Lazarus's words ring true. I only hope that shades of skin were not at the root of this awful step in the State of Arizona. If business, industry and government were to only follow the laws that exist already instead of employing illegals to boost stock prices, we wouldn't have the problem that we do. It is shameful to see Arizona walk away from American values and Emma's words. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. McCain has totally sold out. It's sad to watch. And to think I actually considered voting for him at one point.

    I remember learning about Diminishing Marginal Returns (I don't remember the word Utility) in college. I really enjoyed economics, until I learned that majors had to take statistics, which had a prereq of pre-calculus. And there I went.

    Keep talking. Something will stick.
