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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why I Do Not Like Mitt Romney

I do not like Mitt Romney. I have never met him but as a citizen I have to be able to decide on who to support in any election. I am an unapologetic supporter of the President and hope he is re-elected and I do not believe the nation will be destroyed or fall apart under a Romney presidency, but I just do not like him. Here is a man who does not have a conviction or a moral compass. It shifts with the daily vicissitudes of the primary camapaign. His history as a candidate and governor is fraught with inconsistencies in position and his description of his own accomplishments are just not accurate. He tries to be southern in the south but this obvious pandering is so dishonest that it makes me so angry. He is one of the wealthiest and most elite candidates we have ever seen and yet he tries to pin the President as just another Ivy School elitist liberal. With each new day, Romney changes his priorities and speaks in non substantive platitudes. He says nothing. He offers nothing. His supposed tax plan released when all the other candidates released one, actually raises taxes on the middle class while expanding breaks for the wealthy. Today he continues to bash Obama on gasoline, on foreign policy, on education, and yet he offers nothing....nothing. He cannot answer straight on anything. Will there or won't there be a role for the Dept. of Edcuation? He makes up stories about meeting people who have refused to look for work because gas is too expensive. Who are these people? Do they have names or faces? He panders non stop and looks silly doing it. He offers no opinion on Afghanistan and in the same interview says withdraw early and stay there. He runs from his past if it doesn't meet the conservative smell test and then he rewrites the history of his accomplishments as if he has no memory. I just don't like him. Mostly because he is a liar, he is not real and he is a big phony who wants to be President just because. I hope we are smart enough not to buy it. I don't like Mitt Romney. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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