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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Unreliable Conservatives

The Supreme Court has markedly shifted to the right over the last three decades. As history shows, the pendulum swings and history also disappoints Presidents whose choices for the court do not always meet their hopes and expectations. The litmus test for Conservative justices has always been judicial restraint and original intent of our founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution. Politicians love to rail against activist judges...love to criticize courts for over involvement in the affairs of state and have relied on four reliable conservative justices who always seem to tow the conservative interpretive evaluation. Not so fast...not so reliable. It is impossible to be sure which way the court will rule on the Health Reform Bill just from the questions they have asked these last few days but if the pundits are correct, the conservative justices seem to be leaning toward its destruction. If this happens, it won't be the judicial philosophy of these justices that will prevail, but their political philosophy. This is a shame, will be a dark mark on their tenure and more important, will throw out their claim of judicial restraint. Too Bad. Let us see. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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