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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Health Care Debate

As the high court continues this fascinating and interesting look at the limits of Congressional power, there is something else that must or should be on their minds.....Politics. As the branch of government least political in theory, it has thrust itself, as it has in the past, in the middle of a political firestorm and a Presidential election. With this in mind, I believe they will consider other important issues....the legitimacy of the Obama Presidency, challenged by the crazies, the incendiary and hurtful rhetoric that would be leveled against a President who will be condemned for impeachable offenses against the Constitution and lastly, giving voice to those in the nation that are simply uninformed, ridiculously stupid and ignorant of the issues that affect the future of our nation. You may be able to argue the legal merits of both sides of the mandate for purchasing insurance, but the realities of a decision of unconstitutionality would reverberate throughout the land in ways that are assuredly destructive. I am confident they will keep all of this in mind. Past practice indicates that the court is hesitant about undoing signature legislation. The appropriate way to deal is through legislation,not as Republicans always fear...activist judges. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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