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Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Legend In His Own Mind

One of the most reviled and unpopular politicians of modern times is former Speaker, Newt Gingrich. Here is a man who cannot find support from any of his past colleagues. Here is a man who staked his claim to the south and lost badly the other night. Here is a man who has lost 26 of 27 delegate contests. Here is a man who spews lies, hate and vitriol against his enemies and in particular the President with his GAS act. 77 percent of America is smart enough to recognize that President's do not control gas prices and in fact if Obama had not committed resources to alternate fuel and set some better standards for energy consumption, it may in fact be worse. Gingrich, after losses in Mississippi and Alabama made a speech that was so ridiculous in its nonsense that it left me amazed at his audacity, arrogance and ego. He is a legend only in his own mind and whereas I as a loyal Obama supporter want this circus act to continue, Newt is nothing more than a bombastic loser and perpetual boil on the ass of our political process. One day, he will go away but for now we are stuck with his BS a little longer. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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