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Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Gas Strategy

With the economy on a potential mend. With women angry over the recent Republican strategy toward contraception and with the Republican candidates grasping at straws to find a winner and to seize an issue, that issue is GAS. Most polls suggest that people do not hold a President responsible for gasoline price increases, but the Republicans are seizng on this as a wedge issue come November. Blame Obama for the price at the stations. Any student of economics knows that we do not have a supply issue and demand for gas has actually declined by 7% over last year, therefore, normal supply and demand should have forced prices lower. They are not, and this is because on the world market, the commodity of oil due to global risks and increasing demand elsewhere, is experiencing a 60 cent speculation price increase, not of America's making. I could explain this further, but you would need to be more patient and a better listener....boring stuff. Anyhow, if we want to blame the President for gas prices, can we give him credit for lowering natural gas prices? Can we give him credit for reducing our reliance on foreign oil and increasing drilling? (not stopping it). Can we give him credit for low inflation rates on the total market basket of consumables? If politicians wish to seize upon gas as an issue, fair play suggests credit for all the other price related issues that are going in an opposite direction. Dream on. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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