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Monday, March 26, 2012

All of a Sudden We are All Justices of the Supreme Court

It is amazing to me that people are lining up in DC to provide pressure on the Supreme Court. Elected officials who have never even read the Constitution are going on TV so sure of their legal interpretations. Cable pundits are invoking Madison's ideas as if they are historians and an onslaught of inaccuracy, political bombast and nonsense is coming out of the mouths of the candidates. It is as if overnight, our nation of the uneducated and ill informed has suddenly graduated from Law School and we all have become Constitutional scholars. As Dr. Jonathan Gruber, noted economist from M.I.T. and aide on health care legislation for Romney's Massachusetts plan and Obama's efforts has said, and I paraphrase, [a one sentence lie is easier to sell than two sentences of truth]. This has become the reality of the Affordable Health Care Act, passed by Congress two years ago. People do not understand it, are listening to the easy misinterpretation and do not even realize that the bulk of this bill is still almost two years away from being implemented. Yet half of us seem to be so sure it is unconstitutional. We don't understand it, but we want to kill it. The President is at fault for this as are the Democrats that passed it. They have not been able to articulate the message in terms that people can understand and appreciate. Hopefully this changes before the election, but if you take the pieces of the bill, it is overwhelmingly popular. When you get the one sentence lie, we get concerned that socialism, government takeover and killing grandma with death panels is what the bill is about. In an upcoming and somewhat historic three days, the Supreme Court will judge three aspects of this Law and determine through its evolved responsibility of Judicial Review (no, not the founders original intent)whether it meets the standard of Constitutionality, mostly through the Commerce clause. In a nation that is polticizing everything away from the court, I have confidence that the justices will leave their personal politics at home and come to the conlusion that health care affects us all, that we all pay for it one way or another, and that the collective good of the nation, trumps the amateurs that are hoping for the law's death. If Congress and the people really do hate the bill, then let them try and repeal it. This will not happen and I prefer the side that has established health care as a right, over those who would deliberately harm our national wellness. We are not all Justices of the Supreme Court. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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