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Friday, August 6, 2010

Who's to Blame?

There is no doubt that our economy continues to struggle, but compared to two years ago, incredible progress has been made. No matter how much you hate our President, even in the privacy of your own thoughts, it is not possible to argue this. The political Mantra is Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and we have heard this all before during other recessions. Unemployment remains at 9.5 percent and people continue to wait for better numbers, but on average after a recession, it takes 5-7 years to be restored to near full employment. It is unreasonable to suggest it be done during less than half of a Presidential term. However, even though Republicans have attempted to defeat job creation legislation, there is private sector job creation going on, although modest. The bigger problem is how politicians spend their entire careers fixing blame and trying to destroy the opposition. With absolutely no plan of their own to create jobs, Republicans have stood in the way of every piece of job creation legislation and even though the Democrats have passed many reform bills, each one had been watered down and less than what was wanted or needed. This watering down was due to consistent Republican obstructionism for political gain and the self serving attitude of one independent Senator from Connecticut and one Democratic Senator (yeah right) from Nebraska. I dare not speak their names today to avoid indigestion. The sad thing is that the Republicans were successful in causing watered down bills, still voted against them, and can revel in their hurtful and vindictive unpatriotic acts. They are to blame. Where the HECK are you Americans for reason and truth.

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