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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Mosque Comments

President Obama has rightly followed Mayor Bloomberg's lead by supporting the building of the Mosque with a location near the 9-11 tragedy. It is nice to have a Mayor and President that understand the First Amendment. Peter King, a Congressman from Long Island in his typical fashion has said the President is being political with this decision. Yeah Right. 68% of those polled are against the location so I think Representative King has really lost his senses. The Oklahoma bomber was Christian. Did we stop the building of churches in that area? Could this have anything to do with the Mosque representing the Muslim faith? Ya think? For any American to be opposed to the building of a religious institution because of which religion it is, is an insult to 8 million American Muslims and an ignorance of our First amendment that is dangerously shameful. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. The second I heard Sarah Palin tweeted trying to persuade people to not support the mosque, and telling Muslims that the mosque should not belong there, I had to follow this story.

    Being a Muslim in America is not difficult. You have all these amendments protecting your beliefs and your practices. You can live in peace without being heavily discriminated against. And you can build your place of worship where you want.

    ...But not so much anymore. Apparently, Muslims are out to kill people in the name of God. But the history seems to be messed up here. Muslims were always tolerant of other ways of life, even while expanding their own empire in the earliest days of Islam (before it was even called Islam). Due to a small, insignificant portion of extremist Muslims, the entire American view of a Muslim has been turned upside down. People look at the small amount who interpret the Qu'ran in a very, very farfetch'd sense instead of looking at the millions of people who are completely against what these extremists did.

    I am completely and totally baffled as to why this topic has become such a large issue. If it was a church or synagogue that was being built two blocks from ground zero, nobody would have such an issue.

    You should check out this episode of The Daily Show: http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/tue-august-10-2010-jason-bateman
