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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Not so Fast

Congratulations to those marvelous combat troops who are in Kuwait and have left Iraq. You are and have always been in our hearts. Now let's talk about reality. Before we commend Pres. Bush for the surge, Pres. Obama for honoring his campaign committment and the military for saying we won, not so fast. We do not have a government in Iraq, we do not have any conciliation between Sunnis and Shia, Iraq cannot provide electricity to its citizens, and insurgents are continuing their violence. We are not leaving a stable country and haven't accomplished much in the past seven plus year no matter how hard the politicians try to spin it. While this investment in military life, limb and equipment was deployed, we allowed the Taliban to re-arm, Iran get closer to nuclear weapons and now are entrenched in a violent and unsure struggle in Afghanistan with no end in sight and no accomplishment of real significance to date. Almost 5,000 dead and an investment in dollars that is growing the deficit and keeping valuable resources from needed investment in jobs, health care reform, deficit reduction and small business incentives. Not so fast. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

One more Mosque comment: I have heard people all support religious freedom and the right of any religion to build its facility wherever, but then comes the kicker, "should they build it there". So what is the motivation to challenge the location? No debate, it is because of the specific religion. Because the terrorists were Muslim, it is insensitive to build a Muslim cultural center. It is all about the specific religion, it is all about prejudice, and both statements are irreconcilable. And that's that.

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