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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maureen Dowd...It's not easy

I love Maureen Dowd. I read her columns always and generally agree with her sentiments. However, it is easy to sit as an esteemed member of the press, with no official portfolio of responsibilities to government and "We the People" and criticize the President for weakness, nuance and ineffectiveness. Ms. Dowd's recent criticism of POTUS was his handling of the Mosque controversy. She said he fumbled the ball. I cannot quite agree. This President is a smart man, and anyone who thinks he did not realize the firestorm that his remarks would create, is not paying attention. He knew darn well and our reactions as a nation are no surprise to Obama. So look what has happened. We are currently in a debate about the principles of our first amendment. We are discussing religious freedom and tolerance and reflecting on our values. The extremist bigots in this country will never change and the Gingrichs and Palins of this world will continue to stir the pot of prejudice and anger. The vast majority of us, however, will be more thoughtful and realistic in our approach to things. We will weather this controversy, come out stronger and try not to feed the flames of extremist and hateful language. In fact, we will continue to progress toward even more tolerance and appreciation of diversity. And yes, even for Muslims. So, thank you Mr. President for allowing us to discuss, debate and live our values. It isn't that easy Ms. Dowd. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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