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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shameful with no end in sight

Republicans have been on this campaign to object to all Democratic legislation unless it is paid for with other cuts...except of course tax relief for the rich. Today, the Democrats overcame a filibuster, but still the vast Republican block led by the disgraceful Mitch McConnell railed against legislation for state aid and saved jobs even though it was paid for with other cuts. Today's claim...it isn't the Federal Government's job to bail out the states. Every person whose job will be saved by this bill needs to follow what happened today and recognize who is responsible for their employment. There is no end in sight to the arrogance, hatefulness and vengefulness of these Obama haters and Democrat bashers. One can only hope that voters will begin to wake up, not listen to cable celebrities and really see who is trying to help America. There must be an end to this shameful behavior. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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