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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Negative Number?

I know it isn't possible, but we can certainly come close. A recent poll that I saw had Congress's popularity at 9%. Yes, 9%? How low can it go? President Obama's 47% looks damn good under the circumstances. I blame both parties. They are so concerned with political brinksmanship and counting votes for their re-elections that they have taken their eye way off the ball. The Republicans are so scared that they may give the President a win, and actually help the country, that they remain mired in the hell hole they have created. Even as I blog, Congress is up to their ridiculous tricks again. One branch wants to add a requirement to a tax bill that forces the opening of an oil pipe, as yet, not environmentally researched sufficiently for a judgement to be made. And get this, the one thing that Americans overwhelmingly support and the only edge the Democrats have...taxing the rich a bit more, is about to be scrapped I believe. Talk about abandoning your base and mainstream America all at once. So it continues. Another threatened shutdown, another midnight deal, another crisis manufactured while we all sit with disgust. If it was at all possible, Congress's popularity would actually go below zero...For my money, they are already in the negative zone. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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