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Monday, December 12, 2011

The Common Man

It is an electoral strategy for candidates to invoke Main Street or the Common Man when running their campaigns. It is so nice to try and relate to people in a coffee shop, sharing local food, having a brewski with the every day American. After ingesting a Po Boy or sipping a Bud, these candidates usually go home and shower off. After all, Bud isn't beer, and Po Boys arent't gourmet foods. After a day of campaigning and lying to these folks, politicians sip their Chardonnay or Merlot or braised milk fed veal chops so they can feel rich and famous. After all, they need a good meal tonight so they can eat Bratwurst in Scranton tomorrow. I may be exaggering because in reality, people do respond to candidates that share in their lives if only for a few moments during a campaign. What is really troubling however, is candidates like Newt Romney (to use a good Bachmann idea)who claim to speak for Middle America but are as far from them as possible. Newt boasts about his 60,000 dollar speaking fees, but wants to put High School kids to work cleaning schools by firing union custodians. Yeah, this is a great common man approach. Romney goes to a debate and bets 10 grand with Rick Perry over his book. Yeah, the common man really gambles at that level Mitt. Your 250 million net worth really speaks to Mr. and Mrs. Main Street. These outrageous attempts at reaching the people are laughable and scary simultaneously. There are too many of us that respond to this nonsense. We vote against our own interests by continuing to believe the bull crap that the wealthy will if left unrestrained, move our economy. Yeah, move it into their pockets again. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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