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Sunday, December 18, 2011


What is lacking from every Republican candidate for President with the exceptions of the unelectable Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, is any cohesiveness in their electioneering. I suppose they are consistent in framing the language to go against everything that the President does, but other than that, no cohesiveness. For instance, the War in Iraq cost 800 billion dollars, much of it being spent during our recession, exacerbating Government's inability to deal with our problems. Today, the opponents to the President who want his job will say we abandoned our friends in Iraq. We are showing weakness, let's not leave and let's spend more. These same folks ignore the fact that the timing of the withdrawal was negotiated by George Bush and the Iraqi government who still, this day, wanted us to leave. These candidates who rail against big government and Obama spending, would continue to spend more money in Iraq. They also claim that tax breaks for the rich will create jobs but won't support President Obama's job creation plan which includes the hiring of returning veterans and tax exemptions for the wealthy companies that employ them. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Our brave men and women belong home, doing the work that our country needs to get done. If only there was a serious opposition to the President which could provide a cohesive and intelligent debate and perhaps a sane alternative? No way. I say good. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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