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Monday, October 10, 2011

Today's Quiz

Here are today's questions:

1- Would the US be better off if the auto industry were left to bankcruptcy? Y or N
2- Would our economy be better off if we were losing jobs as opposed to growing jobs? Y or N
3- Would we be better off if there were no regulations to keep water and air clean? Y or N
4- Would we be better off if the large banks failed and the government did not help? Y or N
5- Would we be better off if an additional 3 million people were unemployed? Y or N
6- Would we be better off if there were no Federal involvement at all, in education? Y or N
7- Would we be better off with a President who denied science and fails to accept it? Y or N
8- Would we be better off if Osama Bin Laden were alive? Y or N
9- Would we be better off if student loans for college were reduced in availability? Y or N
10 Would we be better off if you understood the above questions? YES YES YES

Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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