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Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Platform of Embarrassment

In general, I have always believed that the social issues during a political campaign should remain on the sidelines, that people should be allowed to internalize these very personal issues and not have them part of our decision making processes when we select a candidate. Let the fringe extremists on both ends of the spectrum treat these as important while the rest of us moderates look for answers on jobs, foreign policy, economic strategies, distribution of wealth etc. I am now changing my mind, because if you look at the candidates running for President for the Republicans, you get a scary and despicable unity of beliefs, or at least talking points, which I will call "A platform of embarrassment." These people stand for eliminating a woman's right to choose, for government sponsored capital punishment, for disallowing people to love who they want without discrimination, for denying the science of evolution and global warming, for bringing extremist religious principles into our schools and our daily lives, for denying children rights if they were born to illegal immigrants, for putting a gun in our pockets with no form of restriction whatsoever, for not allowing brave soldiers to serve openly regarding their sexuality and for all the non social issues that they are so adamant to destroy, from food stamps, to public broadcasting. I can go on and on, but I will stop here. This is a pretty grim, disgusting and backward set of principles. Whereas a moderate and fair person can have a non-liberal or non-conservative approach to one or two of these issues, it is frightening that this platform is supported aggressively by the Party of Lincoln. Were he alive today, our 16th President would certainly switch and so should any moderate, fair and common sense thinking American. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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