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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Foreign Policy

Historically as James Carville said "It's the economy stupid". Yes, most of us focus on jobs, our bank accounts, our bills and our financial futures. Nothing wrong with that. I could very articulately cite significant economic successes of this President under the most horrendous of political and inherited economic conditions but I won't. Instead I will remind those who follow, that George W. Bush was re elected because America was looking for a safe, steady steward of our national security. I think we got neither, but what we have with Obama is a successful end to an immoral war, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the killing of the number two Al Qeda leader, consistent successful drone attacks and the end of Quadaffi. No matter how much you hate our President, no matter how badly you despise him, you must admit that his foreign policy successes in his time in office have outpaced his predecessor and has restored American leadership throughout the world. Republican senators and candidates are now bashing, yes bashing the President as a poor commander in chief. They say he has weakened America. How do these people live with themselves? Just when I think we have hit bottom, the floor opens again and we fall a little farther. Where are you Americans for reason for truth?


  1. One thing I have learned is that liberals have a one track mind and just will not open up to any discretion in their thinking. Maybe I'm wasting my time, or maybe this is the one in a thousand that actually can have an open exchange of thoughts. I will tell you that I too on occasion have let emotion get in the way, but i do try to understand the inverse prospective, although rarely succesful. Here goes: First, I would like you to give me just one example of "this President"'s economic success. Just one is all I need. Make it a good one. Then, before you predicate it with the typical liberal talking point of "it's Bush's fault" remember that it was the majority liberal legislative branchs that caused the economic downfall of the housing markets. Remember how they forced the banks to dumb down the lending requirments of home buyers. It's a well known fact that Barney, Chuck, and the gang sunk that ship...and there goes the rest of the economy. Now, again remember, before you blame Bush, that many Republicans were not happy with President Bush spending like a drunken Democrat. Then, in comes Obama and 4 times the spending amount in a blink of the eye. Republicans then wished they had Pres. Bush's spending back. Oh, how you miss what you had, when you thought it was so bad.

    Moving on to the war. OR war(S) plural. Obama, a successful end to an immoral war you say? He did a great job taking out OBL, two AQ leaders, and consistent drone attacks that led to MQ. Great job Obama! Only as I remember he was against ALL of this stuff. Wanted out, No drones, end the war, end Gitmo, etc. But America is thankful that he continued on with President Bush's very successful foreign policies. Not only did he continue GWB's policies, but he actulally ADDED boots on the ground and ADDED two additional wars. That's not what Obama and you liberals campaigned for, was it? And I don't recall another attack on American soil for the rest of GWB's term. You say I must admit that Obamas foreign policy was outpacively successful. Sure it was. It was the continuation of President Bush's policies that you liberals were so against, but now approve. And, you say Obama restores American leadership throughout the world? Tell the Chinese that. You are fooling yourself. He has done nothing but appoligize. Tell The Japanse too. He tried to appologize to the Japanese for dropping the big ones over 65 years ago and they said don't appologize because we will not accept your appology.

    Why can't you open your mind to these facts. See it for what it is. You want Americans for reason for truth? Start with the facts. As the great liberal Ray Lewis of Baltimore Ravens fame said "Do da research."

  2. You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Your outline is filled with gaps and inaccuracies and therefore you ought to do some research, not suggest I am wrong. I would love to see some objectivity from you and if you read this blog in its entirety, you might not assign a label to me nor would you jump to the conclusion that I am not sufficiently informed. I teach about Government and Politics every day and value truth and honesty in all I do and say. As far as Bush's policies, please do not suggest that his doctrine served this nation well, quite the contrary. Do not suggest that Bush knew how to handle Chinese leadership and you ought to compare the engine of economic success in the US, 15 trillion vs. the great Chinese. I count 2.5 million private sector jobs created under Obama with an obstructionist Congress and continued growth albeit sluggish, but steady and certainly a turnaround from the past. The stimulus worked despite Republican talking points to the contrary. Anyhow, thanks for you feedback and if you wish to use an NFL analogy, you may wish to choose someone other than Ray Lewis.
