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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Official

It's official. President Obama is an American. For the rising number of doubters, a birth certificate was produced. This puts the controversy to rest and now we can discuss real business....right? Hold on, wait a minute, is Hawaii really a state? Isn't it a tropical island somewhere in the Pacific, like near Guam or Madagascar? And if it is not a state, then he isn't a qualified American and therefore is in the office against Constitutional provisions. So maybe the birthers have it right after all. Maybe the President is simply an alien Muslim extremist intending to do us harm. He isn't really one of us. After all, he didn't earn his way into college, he slipped in as a slick Black man, using affirmative action programs of our welfare state to get his education while the rest of us real people earned our stripes. Obama, what kind of name is that anyway? Sounds strange. He can't be an American. We are being overrun by this sham of a man, a communist trying to take down our system of government. 2012 cannot come soon enough so we can expose this fake for once and for all. What about medicare? The deficit, what is that? War, where are we at war? All I know is that the President is a fake and nothing else matters. I have no job and no education and gas prices are high and it is all Hussein Obama's fault. SADLY THERE ARE THOSE OUT THERE THAT STILL BELIEVE THIS STUFF. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

1 comment:

  1. What I can't understand is why there are still so many people who really claim this nonsense is true. What do they think will happen? I wrote a recent post about the same thing (www.opinionwritings.com). I, for one, would really like to see the emphasis back on solving the problems in the country, not this continual obsession with idiocy.
