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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chris Christie

I am a teacher and a NJ resident. I have avoided any targeting in my blog of my Governor. I believe him when he says he isn't ready to be President and I believe that all the hype about his straight talk is due to the fact that at least he is avoiding the nonsensical extremist rhetoric about birth certificates and Trumpesque ridiculousness. It is however time to call him out and to expose him for what he really is. A politician beholden to the interests of big business and the rich. His mean spiritedness toward teacher unions has gained some populist enthusiasm and no matter how he tries to convince us that he loves teachers, his persistent demonization of evaluation processes and benefit spending sticks to us teachers like glue. Having spent decades in the private sector Mr. Governor, I can tell you that mediocrity doesn't exist because of tenure, it exists because of mismanagement and poor leadership in all aspects of commerce and industry, both public and private. If the Governor loses the Abbott case and he probably will, he is already threatening the budget axe on Medicaid and using the usual Republican fear strategy. He won't however, support a small one percent tax on Millionaires claiming the supply side Paul Ryan brand of economic folly. Thanks for nothing Mr. Christie. You are who you are, a smooth talker in KOCH Brothers clothing. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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