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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Boehner Dilemma

As the latest threat to shut government down looms, we have a further reduction in unemployment and a continuous improvement in job creation. We are far from out of the woods, but the trends look good. Instead of embracing the good news and seizing upon mutual opportunities for continued progress, the tea party movement continues to hold the Republican party hostage to a set of economic values that are embedded in failure. Historically, cutting programs that help to educate, improve health and protect the disadvanataged, have proven to be good for the soul of our nation. Irresponsible and unreasonable cuts for a set of principles founded in bigotry and failed past policies are not helpful to our nation. Speaker Boehner is a decent man. He understands the need for compromise and understands political realities. He also understands how government has a role in lifting the spirit and reality of opportunity for us all. He was elected to lead his party. Not to follow the extremists. Time to lead Mr. Speaker. There is no dilemma. There is only doing what is right. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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