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Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Reminder

Today I want to remind readers of the kinds of people we have in our government that sadly put themselves before their country. Two in particular come to mind today and are both in the Senate. One is Mitch McConnell, minority leader who I have condemned before. He is so hateful and resistent toward President Obama that he has instructed his minions of scared Republican sheep to be lockstep in their resistence to the President. Even Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins from Maine, somewhat sensible at times, fear going against their dictator. The result is an abuse of the power that the minority has sparingly wielded in the past through filibuster but now uses as much as eating and sleeping, now threatening to derail compromise, progress and growth. McConnell is refusing to support tax relief for 98 percent of Americans solely to embarrass the President and to protect the rich, the hallmark view of the Republican party. He has instructed his flunkies, one in particular, Jon Kyl from Arizona,to keep the sheep in line and to hit all the network news programs arguing against a peaceful and safe reduction in nuclear arms between Russia and the U.S. Every credible past Republican Cabinet member or high level military official supports this, but Kyl has been instructed by Mighty Mitch, to stall it. They will not under any circumstances give the President a victory. They put party and power ahead of their country. They and those like them are scoundrels of the worst sort. America did not vote for this last month. What they have gotten is one of the most shameful periods of our government where compromise is condemned, lies are repeated and all this during a time of real economic peril and global unrest. Unless my party, stands up and fights, changes the filibuster rule in the Rules committee, takes the issue of Middle Class relief to their own town halls, calls the Republican bluff, I too may join a party of NO. NO to my own failed, gutless Democratic Party. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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