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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Yesterday while Senator Sanders was holding his near filibuster on the floor of the Senate, President Obama addressed the media with former President Bill Clinton by his side. Then, in something that seemed amazing to me at first, the President gave the stage to Clinton and left to attend a party. The former President answered questions on matters of economics, the current tax compromise and other issues as well. As usual, William Jefferson Clinton wowed us. He spoke in less professorial terms than is the custom of the President and loved every minute being back on the center stage. My initial feelings of Obama weakness went out the window when I realized that this was actually a very smart strategy. Bill Clinton still reaches the hearts and souls of moderate Democrats. He has more Presidential experience than Obama does and as Abraham Lincoln proved to the world, surrounding yourself with expertise no matter what the previous adversarial history of your advisors is just good sense. President Obama by seeking counsel from the most skillful politician of our time is not allowing his ego or the comments of a voracious media to rule him. It does not matter who we learn from as long as we learn and if the President believes he can win on the merits by using an elder statesman, good for him. The angry and petulant Congress will come around soon enough. After all, they want to go home and wrap some presents. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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