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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Truth Distorted

I was listening to a radio broadcast this morning on Bloomberg News. The guest was being asked his opinion on how to stimulate the economy. His response was to not allow the big upcoming suggested Obama Tax increase. The Obama Tax increase? Hold on a minute. This is a REPUBLICAN TAX INCREASE people. Wake up. Under a Republican Congress and President, new tax rates were temporarily set with the intent to expire in ten years. The Republicans passed this legislation with full knowledge and intent for its expiration. Therefore, if the Republican legislation moves ahead as scheduled, blaming Democrats for a tax increase is simply untrue and unfair. It is perfectly acceptable to debate policy and to alter legislation based on the circumstances of the times, but if even one person after the debate does not have his tax rate restored to Clinton levels, it will be in reality an OBAMA TAX DECREASE. The President is leaning toward restoring tax rates for all those earning over 250,000 dollars and keeping the Bush temporary rates in place for everyone else. If this or any such version happens, it will be a Democratic President and perhaps a Democratic Congress changing Republican legislation resulting in a relative tax decrease for most Americans. So, Americans, stop listening to those who suggest differently. They are just plain wrong. They are distorting the truth. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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