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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Job Creators?

Yesterday the Senate Minority leader from Kentucky, Mr. Mitch, said he opposes any tax proposal that doesn't include the rich, because they are the job creators. So, if these 10 years of tax breaks were in existence through the recession, how is it that we lost 8,000,000 jobs? What were the job creators doing? Now, while the economy slowly recovers, we have banks hoarding cash and corporations reporting record profits and dividend increases. So, why aren't the job creators, filled with cash and wealth, creating jobs? Don't listen to the BS of trickle down economics. It didn't work with Reagan and it won't work now. The real job creators create jobs not because of tax breaks for the rich, but because of a thriving, working middle class. Give them the breaks and pay for it by asking the few privileged amongst us to pay a little more. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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