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Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Complete and Utter Failure

Today, all hearts go out to the families and friends of those brave, innocent men and women killed on that horrific day, 9 years ago. This day will always be etched in the psyches and souls of all that bore witness to the tragedy. While my wife and I were travelling in the car this morning, as the moment of silence came from the radio, we both wept. No words need to have been spoken between us. We just felt sad, sad that such hate exists and that such an event, could have taken place. Sadder still, however, is the complete failure on the part of our leaders to have caught and killed the mastermind Bin Laden who still lives. Every American, hawk or dove, liberal or conservative feels cheated. We know it was him responsible for that day and yet all the arms, and power and strength of our country, is meaningless. We are impotent. Instead, our Government started a war in Afghanistan intended to root out the terrorists who we were convinced were there, but their leader survives. Bush then took us to war in Iraq under false pretenses insinuating a connection between 9-11 and Sadaam Hussein and let Bin Laden slip away. Now we are doubling down in Afghanistan due to our past failure and still, Bin Laden lives. Today as we all weep, we must forget all that we were told about Homeland Security, and improved airport screening and signs on our highways telling to call if we see trouble, all that crap. Forget it. Remember this, Bin Laden killed our people, he lives, and all else does not really matter. If we as a Government do not find and destroy him, nothing else will replace the void, the inconclusiveness, the lack of closure and the fact of our complete and utter failure. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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