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Monday, July 19, 2010

Scarily Stupid

Today a poll was released stating that only 34% of Americans know that the Bank Bailout program was orchestrated by the Bush administration. Frankly, this was one of his better decisions and by all accounts, Obama's continuation of this policy has actually helped to avert a disaster. As a population, it is scary that so few of us understand the realities of our own nation's policies and which leaders stand for what policies. Furthermore, it is scary at how 30 percent of Americans would consider voting for Sarah Palin. This woman is scarily stupid and I do not make such an insult lightly. She cannot articulate a coherent thought, scoffs at the need to be aware of the important issues in our world and believes that education is less important than a mother's instinct in deciding the nucelar policies or foreign policies or domestic policies of our great nation. Mrs. Palin is riding the tide of media fascination with media personalities having made her a news story, but frankly, it is scary to have the likes of this woman even mentioned as a possible future candidate for President. She is street smart, but dumb in every important aspect of leadership. She actually compared herself to William Shakespeare when she was called out about saying words that do not even exist in the lexicon of the English language. Refudiate is not a word. Scarily Stupid. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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