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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


It is clear that a 9.5 percent unemployment is uncomfortable, disconcerting and unacceptable. If you do not have a job then you do not want to hear about it taking time or that unemployment is always a lagging indicator, the last to recover in a recovery. Today, the President announced that his stimulus package has saved jobs and has been accountable for a slight increase in job creation and a turnaround from consistent negative job creation over the past years. Republicans smell blood and are seizing on the discomfort of America in an effort to seize an electoral victory. It is however, all about jobs and there is much disagreement on the way to go about creating them. So in fairness and in an effort to be bipartisan, I would like to explain the Republican Party plan for job creation, one which I hope America reads and understands. Here we go:

There. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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