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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Abandoning Obama and the Dems.

If you hear about the polls and listen to the radio talk shows, read tweets and blogs and watch cable TV political analysts, you would think that the President is presiding over a sinking ship and that the people will get back at him by giving Congress back to the failed Republican party. This, only into less than half of Obama's Presidency. Pretty grim if you are a Democrat. Pretty incredulous if you have a brain. To the blue collar white male voter who has abandoned Obama, don't forget how while out of work, your President and the Democrats extended your financial lifeline by passing unemployment compensation extensions. To the person having difficulty paying the mortgage, don't forget the President's policies that have led to refinancing arrangements that may be helping you meet your loan obligations. To the new homebuyer that was afraid to take the plunge, don't forget the first time homebuyer credit that stimulated you to buy while you complained about big government. To the parent of a recently graduated college kid having difficulty finding a job, don't forget that you can keep him or her on your health insurance policy for an additional 5 years or until they can handle insurance on their own if sooner. To the independent voter that lost faith in Bush and now in Obama, don't forget that the current deficits include in the budget, the costs of war that were not accounted for by Bush, thus giving you highly educated folks some honest accounting instead of disingenuity. To the young person who is reconsidering continuing their enthusiasm with politics after 2 short years. Remember that you voted for change, and change takes time and by every estimate, this President even though not being given credit, has done more in 2 short years to restore American credibility around the world and improved a mentality that favors Main Street over Wall Street than his predecessor for sure. To the automobile worker. Don't forget that under this Congress and President, the domestic automobile industry was saved. To those of you who have become impatient due to your frustration, remember that the word NO in the long term has never been a good thing for our country. Action, decisiveness and getting things done is at the heart of American progress and ingenuity. If you think the opposition party, by saying NO is going to fix your problems, think back fairly and honestly about how we got here in the first place. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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