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Friday, June 18, 2010

Is it all BP's Fault?

I have been feverishly preparing for the end of school, giving finals, preparing grades and other end of the year stuff, but none of these responsibilities is keeping me from continuing to remain engaged. So as Congress grilled the BP CEO leading perhaps to his demotion and the President speaks to the nation, and a member of the House has the audacity to apologize to BP for a government shakedown and the oil still pours into the gulf, I am still frought with anger, disappointment and frustration as are many Americans. Emotions, however, will not fix the problem and even when the oil is finally capped, huge problems will continue to persist and harm the environment. I was speaking to a friend today and she engaged me in a discussion about culpability and I couldn't agree more with her. Thanks Sandy. BP is not alone. We in America with an appetite for oil that is endless are probably more at fault. We have created through our consumption habits a situation that allows oil lobby groups to prevail and Congressmen and women to take a hands off approach about oil companies because they need donations to their campaigns. We avoid solar, and wind and clean coal in favor of cheaper gas and refined oil. We use it without any sense of conservation or any real commitment to pay the expense today for a cheaper tomorrow. We helped to cause this accident only we fail to see it or admit it. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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