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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another idiot politician heard from

It is easy to wrap oneself in the news of the oil disaster and forget the other realities in our nation and world. As unemployment remains a blight on the economic recovery, the Republicans along with a few by name only democrats and independents, continued to obstruct the most recent jobless benefits bill. The usual BS, not BP. Too expensive, hurts businesses, Obama a communist etc. The most recent idiot politician comes from Mississippi a state with consistently the lowest academic achievement and income levels of all 50 states. Still, election after election, they vote for the party whose policies have lead to their infamous ratings. Senator Roger Wicker from Mississippi has given the response to the President's call for the bill and bothered to make further idiotic comments related to the President's handling of the oil spill. He had the nerve to say that looking to change energy policy at this time is the wrong priortiy. Weaning ourselves off of oil and regulating dangerous oil drilling practices are job killers and the President is this and that etc. I suppose if he came through the education system of his state, still struggling to improve, he is at a liability in terms of vision and intellect. Perhaps we cannot blame his idiocy at all. Senator Wicker, you are not good for this country or your constituents. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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