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Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Sandy Effect

I am at a friend's home blogging after a few days to deal with Sandy. I still have no power but I have a roof over my head, food, friends and life. For that I am truly thankful and my heart goes out to all in need, to all who lost loved ones, property and much more. As Gloria Gaynor once sang "I will Survive" so will we all. It was a bit refreshing to be away from the insanity of the pre election craziness, but now that I have some access to the internet, it is time to say a few things. First, to listen to Rudy Giuliani criticize Obama for the Sandy response and the campaign is so boorish. One day we will all learn the real truth about the job the Mayor did during 9-11. Rudy's entire political life and survival was tied to that horrible day and its aftermath, but serious analysis shows that severe criticisms could be leveled against his actions. He is irrelevant and ought to shut up and go back to earning millions as a consultant. President Obama's visit to New Jersey and his bromance with Governor Christie was not a political act. These two men share a common story. An American story, one with roots to a place and to an America that allows the common simple man to achieve greatness and success. They share this story and those who try and make a political mockery of their genuine concern for American are simply out of touch and mean spirited partisans who care little about this country. As Tuesday approaches, Americans must remain vigilant and get to the polls. The choice is clear. A charlatan, a liar, a man without a vision, without a moral compass and without a record of job creation, who mocks the President disrespectfully because he feels entitled, whose wealth resides outside of this country, who is against a woman's right to chose, against marriage between same sex couples who love each other, who would shut Planned Parenthood, stop health care progress, mocks climate change as fantasy, supports the unrestrained spending on military aggression and would make the sick go to emergency rooms, who is an elitist, a robber barren and a man of the one percent, Mitt Romney. Or, a man who came from modest means, who represents the diversity that is so special about our country, who ended a costly and false war, who has moved us forward, created jobs, taken us from an historic economic collapse into a period of growth, saved our auto industry, believes in the rights of all Americans, who believes global warming is real, who will end the war in Afghanistan and protect women's rights, who respects the legitimacy of our immigrant heritage and believes in a fair chance for us all, President Barack Obama. Where are you Americans for reason and truth? Stay Safe all those affected by Sandy. Go vote. It is too important.

1 comment:

  1. I think the most audacious criticism was that of the Katrina-era FEMA head... that he had the gall to say Obama was acting too fast during a time to put politics aside - especially when you consider that "heckuva job" he did with Katrina - is repulsive. I fortunately wasn't hit too hard by the storm, power returned by Wednesday, but am grateful for the efforts politicians on both sides are doing to assist those who were displaced and deeply affected by Sandy.

    I'm glad to partake in the voting process on Tuesday. May President Obama earn his second term... this country cannot have a used-car-salesman-in-chief.
