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Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is Different

When W. won the Presidency, I was disappointed but didn't go over the edge. The country and the Supreme Court decided, the process worked and I lived to fight another day for eight despicable years. When Nixon beat McGovern, I was sad but not outraged. Nixon got his and we moved on. When Reagan won with his message of a better America and smaller government, I didn't cry, I accepted his victory and watched for eight long years. This time, it is different. It is hard for me to express but if Romney becomes the President, my outrage and fear and total demoralization will set in in ways that they never have before. Romney is a liar. He has switched his position on absolutely every major social, foreign policy and economic issue and gets away with it every time. Obama should be kicking his ass, but he is not. This is because our nation is filled with tens of millions who tune in after the summer for the first time. They see a man who looks good and can speak articulately so they say, OK, lets give him a chance. We tried the Black Man, we proved we aren't racist so let's go back to our real roots. Mitt Romney can and will say anything with no conviction, belief or moral compass. This automaton is the scariest candidate in modern American Political history, not because he is dumb, or ill informed, but because you do not know which Mitt will show up. This, is why this is different. Where are you Americans for reason and truth? Be safe through the storm.

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