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Friday, October 26, 2012

A Friend of Mine

I have a good friend. On most every aspect of conscience, we agree. This friend however, is voting for Mitt Romney. The response I get is that " I make my choice only on economic issues and don't concentrate on all the other noise ". I smile, walk away with disgust in my bones but with continued love for this person. I simply cannot continue to try and influence this position. I know in my heart that Mitt Romney does not understand or care about the middle class. I know in my heart that Mitt Romney believes in outsourcing and not much about US manufacturing. I know in my heart that Mitt Romney's positions on job creation are tied to failed policies but my friend does not listen. That's OK. What is not OK is that this support cannot be separated from the mean spirited racisim, extremist and hateful positions toward women and gays, the candidates that think rape is a message from G-d, the unwillingness to support equal rights, the march toward defense overspending and the sheer hate toward our President that represents the party of Mitt Romney...and my dear friend, all of these positions have direct, vital and certain economic implications. Please think, my dear dear friend. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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