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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Ryan Budget

Today, President Obama will call the Ryan budget a "trojan horse" and an example of "social Darwinism". From Today Co Host Sarah Palin on down, most Americans will not understand the literary reference nor the scientific reference and this is more due to our State controlled, unequal education process, but that is for another day. What this budget does, is cut all programs that help the needy. What this does, to use the Republican strategy, is to cause real class warfare...the perpetual pattern of the rich vs. the poor. Not just this, it also reduces our commitment to research, to protection of the environment, to alternate energy sources, to a host of other subjects that will point to an educated and bright future for our country. Mr. Ryan may be smart, he may seem like the youthful energy needed for a party run by right wing extremists, but his vision for America is no vision at all. It is a vision for his own electability as he continues to seize upon the ignorance of so many of us who just don't get it. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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