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Monday, January 23, 2012

Nice Talk Mr. Speaker.

Tomorrow evening during the State of the Union Address, all the usual pomp and circumstance, tradition and scheduled applause will be in their usual glory. The Speaker of the House will talk about the esteemed honor and privilege it is for him to introduce the President of the United States. On Fox news yesterday, however, Speaker Boehner was not so charitable with his words. He called the Presidents'communication to the nation in the upcoming speech, based on what he has heard in advance, "pathetic". Now people can respectfully disagree on policy, they can openly debate the pros and cons of various economic theories, legal doctrines and the value of passed or projected legislation, but going on TV to call the President's words pathetic, just seem to me not only disrespectful but out of bounds. The narrative that the Republicans continue to use is how bad the economy has been under Obama, all the while with a recovery in front of their noses. This debate will rage on until election day and then we the people will decide. I just don't understand this kind of hostile, vindictive and out of bounds language, particularly coming from the Speaker of the House. Seeing the performance of John Boehner since he got the job, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. It is just plain pathetic. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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