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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The ratings agencies have already denounced the Boehner plan as not being acceptable, thus causing a potential downgrade of our debt. Today the Republicans are trying to position the debate as if the President would veto a debt ceiling extension if it is temporary. The House plan will not pass the Senate anyway, so this is moot. The Reid Senate plan does not include any revenue. Liberals are abandoning the President and this is where we are. Hold on. Give him a little more credit. Suppose a Senate type version of the Reid plan makes it to the President and has no revenues. The President knows, that by doing nothing, the Bush tax rates expire in 2012. An expiration of these rates would mean revenue. The only way to avoid this, is if Congress passes an extension of these cuts and the President signs it. This would make Republicans go in to the election campaigning on tax breaks for the rich. Not a good strategy. If the President gets a bill to extend these cuts then this is when he uses the VETO. There is a lot of the story yet to write. Where are you Americans for reason and truth?

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